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web development, application development

Our web and application developing abilities are best shown through our solutions and references. The most important measure of value of our work is the successfulness of our solutions, i.e. the satisfaction of our clients. There is only one way to achieve this: by providing the best solutions for our clients whatever the state of the case may be. But this is not the only difference between our team and the other development companies.

How can we tell that how and what the visitors would like to find on a website, how can they utilize the page most efficiently, what is the best form for the information for easy reception, what typical users can be distinguished and what kind of different demands they have?

The most important criteria in choosing a web solutions provider – besides being able to solve the technicalities of the problem – is whether they can answer the above mentioned questions prior to the solution's implementation. The success of an online service or a website can be largely restrained if the web solution provider cannot contribute with its own experiences.

We already have the answers to aforementioned questions: information architecture, accessibility and usability. Beyond our development abilities the thorough knowledge of these special fields, the capability of using this knowledge enables us to provide viable online solutions that can be counted among the best.

guaranteeing Your serenity

The IT industry is a security sensitive business with the internet in the centre of these issues – being continuously present online means that we are constantly available for everyone, even for those with malicious intents. The motives and tools can be several: the intruder might use several methods – web-based spamming, identity theft, information theft, intrusion, etc. – which could deliver a severe blow to the site, simply because it meant a challenge, for pecuniary advantages, or it is a commission from the competition.

These are the problems for which we offer the solutions from the very beginning of the development without having our clients to specially deal with these issues. Our knowledge gathered throughout the time spent in online universe guarantees that we continuously pay attention to the security of the system, both in the development and operation phase, and respond to the newest online threats immediately.